Did you know that Blogger allows for 5 other viewing options? Not all blogs will be set up to allow for it but most will. It's pretty cool. I'm all about the pictures so when I find a new blog I use the flipcard view so I can get a fast and easy look and all the pictures from previous posts. Makes exploring even more fun. All you do, when at a blogger blog, is add the word view to the end of the blog.
On this page in the right top corner you will see a blue box with white text. This is a drop down list of the different view options.
Flipcard shows the photos from the blog. It's called flipcard because when you hold your mouse over a photo it flips over and you see the title of the blog post that contains that photo and the date it was published. Click on it again and it will show you the full blog post. You can choose to view the flip cards 4 different ways:
Recent - Ungrouped
Date - Grouped by Date (Month/Year)
Label - Grouped by Label
Author - Grouped by Author
Mosaic shows the photos from the blog in a variety of shapes and sizes. When you hold your mouse over a photo it is magnified and the title of the blog post it is from appears. If you click on it you will get the full blog post.
Sidebar gives you just that. A sidebar on the left that has a tiny little photo and the title from the blog posts with the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottom. Click on one and get a view of the full blog post and the sidebar remains.
Mosaic and Flipcard views show just one photo from each blog post.
Snapshot view shows every photo. They look like polaroid snapshots with the blog post title at the bottom in blue text and when you hold your mouse of them you get a snippet of text from the blog post. Click on it for the full blog post.
Timeslide is.... I`m not quite sure what is going on with this one. Check it out.
What do you think of these views? Do you have a favourite? I can`t decide on just one. I think it might be Mosaic.
Thanks, I didn't know that and it is really interesting.